about the community


Aberamentho means a word that becomes a thing, meaning the manifestation of reality through word. This self-sustaining community is based on principles of circular governance and collaboration among its members, trying to be an alternative social and economic option.

The community is in the province of Pastaza, in Ecuador, 40 kilometers from Puyo city. That is, it is located in the upper Amazon. It has a tropical temperature and rain throughout the year. The community has 15 hectares of land and inside it has streams and small waterfalls. It is ideal for agricultural production throughout the year, although its soils are complex to manage due to the high rainfall.


The Aberamentho community is designed under the spiritual principle of individual sovereignty, to create a space to develop the potential of each of its members.

The Aberamentho Community seeks to maintain a balance between the individual and the collective without one prevailing over the other.

It is founded on spiritual and hermetic principles and its members are free to choose their spiritual practices and beliefs as long as these are relevant to the right path (service to others rather than service to self and ego).

In the Aberamentho Community there are no hierarchies of any kind and therefore all its members, without distinction of sex, age, education, race, religious belief, etc., have a voice and a vote in community decisions.

The Aberamentho Community is a space where all expressions of the human being are welcome: art, science, culture, knowledge, etc.

Form of Government

The Aberamentho Community functions as a circular community where all its members must actively participate in the decisions and development of the community.

The Aberamentho Community seeks to create a social organizational form different from the traditional ones, that is, circular instead of pyramidal.

Community Rules

The community is governed by the 7 (8) principles of natural law: mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender; and the eighth hidden principle of care.

Actively participate in community processes and decision-making.

Production systems within the community should be circular and preferably with minimal waste generation.

Members should contribute at least 20 hours of work for the benefit of the community or its monetary equivalent.

Respect for the sovereignty of an individual and his rights as a human being. No member of the community shall have the right to infringe and withdraw any of these inalienable rights: to life, to adequate means of subsistence, to work, to happiness and well-being, etc.

Community members can develop projects that they want to benefit the community.

Community members must have an interest in spirituality and any of its expressions (alchemy, yoga, kabbalah, astrology, tarot, etc.).

The community works under a principle of solidarity towards its members and needs, but without developing paternalistic practices.

* The use of any type of drug associated with any chemical substance that is detrimental to life is prohibited, only the use of natural products and spiritual medicine.